четверг, 10 января 2008 г.

Milosevic found dead in prison cell - Europe

Slobodan Milosevic found dead in prison cell

Questions surround death of ex-Yugoslav president on trial for war crimes
Marko Drobnjakovic / AP
An activist of a Slobodan Milosevic support group, "Freedom," moves the Serbian?�flag to half staff in front of a poster of the former <a href=http://msnbc.msn.com/id/12083338/>Yugoslav leader at the group's</a> headquarters in Belgrade, on Saturday.

NBC VIDEO?�Milosevic dies
March 11: Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslavia leader who was branded 'the butcher of the Balkans,' has died. NBC??�s Jim Maceda reports.

Nightly News

News Services

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav leader, who was branded the butcher of the Balkans and was on trial for war crimes after orchestrating a decade of bloodshed during the breakup of his country, was found dead Saturday in his prison cell. He was 64.

Milosevic, who suffered chronic heart ailments and high blood pressure, apparently died of natural causes and was found in his bed, the U.N. tribunal said, without giving an exact time of death.

He had been examined by doctors following his frequent complaints of fatigue or ill health that delayed his trial, but the tribunal could not immediately say when he last underwent a medical checkup. All detainees at the center in Scheveningen are checked by a guard every half hour.

The tribunal said Milosevic??�s family had been informed of his death, which came nearly five years after he was arrested, then extradited to The Hague.

As questions were raised as to why the trial had dragged on for so long, a tribunal spokeswoman said there was no indication that Milosevic ??" who suffered from a heart condition and high blood pressure ??" committed suicide.

Milosevic??�s lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic told reporters his client had feared he was being poisoned but the tribunal rejected a request for the autopsy to take place in Russia.

Relatives, victims cry foul
The tribunal faces questions from those who feel robbed of justice about why the trial had gone on so long compared with the one-year life of Nuremberg and the more limited scope of Saddam Hussein??�s trial in Iraq.

Milosevic??�s ill-health had repeatedly interrupted his trial. Last month, the court rejected his bid to go to Russia for medical medical care, noting the trial was nearly finished.

Milosevic's wife, Mirjana Markovic, who was often accused of being the power behind the scenes during her husband??�s autocratic rule, has been in self-imposed exile in Russia since 2003. His son, Marko, also lives in Russia, and his daughter, Marija, lives in Serb-controlled half of Bosnia.

Borislav Milosevic, who lives in Moscow, blamed the U.N. tribunal for causing his brotherness??�s death by refusing him medical medical care in Russia.

All responsibility for this lies on the shoulders of the international tribunal. He asked for medical care several months ago, they knew this, he told . They drove him to this as they didn??�t want to let him out alive.

Milosevic asked the court in December to let him go to Moscow for medical care. But the tribunal refused, despite assurances from the Russian authorities that the former Yugoslav leader would return to the Netherlands to finish his trial.

Uncertain future for tribunal
The tribunal also faces questions over monitoring of inmates at its detention center because Milosevic??�s death was the second within a week after the suicide of former rebel Croatian Serb leader Milan Babic.

His agsdhfgdfimony in 2002 described a political and military command structure headed by Milosevic in Belgrade that operated behind the scenes.

A former ally of Milosevic already convicted for war crimes, Babic was a key witness against the former Yugoslav leader, accusing him of bringing shame on Serbs.

Normal detention center procedures mean inmates are checked every 30 minutes during the night.

U.N. chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte, due to hold a news conference in The Hague, said: The death of Slobodan Milosevic, a few weeks before the completion of his trial, will prevent justice to be done in his case.

But she said in a statement othernesss must be punished for the crimes he was accused of and said six war crimes suspects still at large, including former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his military commander Ratko Mladic, must be arrested.

Accused of war crimes, genocide
Milosevic has been on trial since February 2002, defending himself against 66 counts of crimes, including genocide, in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. But the proceedings were repeatedly interrupted by Milosevic??�s poor health and chronic heart condition.

He was accused of orchestrating a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing against non-Serbs during the collapse of the Yugoslav federation in an attempt to link Serbia with Serb-dominated areas of Croatia and Bosnia to create a new Greater Serbia.

Milosevic had spent much of the time granted to him by the U.N. court for his defense dealing with allegations of atrocities in Kosovo that took up just one-third of his indictment. He also faced charges of genocide in Bosnia for allegedly overseeing the slaughter of 8,000 Muslims from the eastern enclave of Srebrenica ??" the worst massacre on European soil since World War II.

The trial was recessed last week to await his next defense witness. Milosevic also was waiting for a court decision on his request to subpoena former President Bill Clinton as a witness.

Steven Kay, a British attorney assigned to represent Milosevic, said Saturday that the former Serb leader would not have fled, and was not suicidal.

He said to me: ??�I haven??�t taken on all this work just to walk away from it and not come back. I want to see this case through, ??� Kay told the British Broadcasting Corp.

Related storiesBrotherness blames U.N. tribunal for Milosevic??�s deathNewsweek: A dark legacy

Crushing blow to tribunal
Milosevic??�s death will be a crushing blow to the tribunal and to those who were looking to establish an authoritative historical record of the Balkan wars.

Though the witness agsdhfgdfimony is on public record, history will be denied the judgment of a panel of legal experts weighing the evidence of his personal guilt and the story of his regime.

It is a pity he didn??�t live to the end of the trial to get the sentence he deserved, Croatian President Stipe Mesic said.

The European Union said Milosevic??�s death does not absolve Serbia of responsibility to hand over otherness war crimes suspects.

The death does not alter in any way the need to come to terms with the legacy of the Balkan wars, Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik, whose country holds the rotating EU president, said in Salzburg.

Milosevic was due to complete his defense at the war crimes tribunal this summer.

NBC VIDEO?�Remembering 'monster'
March 11: Former U.N. envoy Richard Holbrooke recalls Slobodan Milosevic, a man he calls?�a monster.

Nightly News

A figure of beguiling charm and cunning ruthlessness, Milosevic was a master tactician who turned his country??�s defeats into personal victories and held onto power for 13 years despite losing four wars that shattered his nation and impoverished his group.

Milosevic led Serbia, the dominant Yugoslav republic, into four Balkan wars during the 1990s. The secret of his survival was his uncanny ability to exploit what less adroit figures would consider a fatal blow.

He once described himself as the Ayatollah Khomeini of Serbia, assuring his prime minister, Milan Panic, that the Serbs will follow me no matter what. For years, they did ??" through wars which dismembered Yugoslavia and plunged what was left of the country into social, political, moral and economic ruin.

But in the end, his group abandoned him: first in October 2000, when he was unable to convince the majority of Yugoslavs that he had staved off electoral defeat by his successor, Vojislav Kostunica, and again on April 1, 2001, when he surrendered after a 26-h.standoff to face criminal charges stemming from his ruinous rule.

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